Thursday, March 23

Fashionably Loud

Listening to Champagne Supernova by Oasis

Okay, I wasn't that excited about Fashionably Loud except for the fact that Placebo would be playing. And honestly, I didn't even decide to go until yesterday. And it turns out the TriMedia had 31 tickets. So being a kind soul, I brought Jules and Ariel. The show was damn good and the models were orgasmically hot. Sashi's friend was one of the models. Weird. Anyways, while me and jules were vibrating to Placebo and cumming waterfalls from all the hot male models, this DAMN FUCKING SMELLY CHI next to us was MOSHING. OMg dude. Placebo isn't exactly hardcore rock. They are more along the lines of Coldplay or something. ANd he was MOSHING with his CHI-SMELLY-ARMPITS in our faces. It was so gross, and he was jumping around really violently and using Jules as a sponge to wipe his sweat on. I kept catching the Security-Boucer guy's eye and finally he tapped the guy's shoulder and was like, Dude, RELAX la. then he started laughing. Me and Joo just burst out laughing.

I feel really sorry for his girlfriend because he smelt like dog shit covered in moss. Anyhoo.. after the show, we walked out to 7-11 and bought some drinks. And we were standing around in the middle of nowhere, kinda near the fountain at Taka, and the MODELS started coming out of the frickin tent. Jules and I came in WATERFALLS.

If male models like that grew on trees I would sell my soul in exchange for that tree. We were just openly goggling at them and then one of them walked past us like within a foot of us and jules just squealed like a pig. THen the glammest thing happened.


ANd jules the dumbfuck didn't even know until after they passed us. Me and Ariel saw them walking towards us and we just stared in shock and Jules was happily yacking away about her chi. Oh dood that was the hottest thing in my life. I was inches away from Placebo. omg..

THe only thing that beats this is touching Alex Kapranos (HAHA JULES.)

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