Sunday, March 5

For all the teenage dirtbags

Listening to We Are All On Drugs by Weezer

I decided to take a break from my wolverine vector by: making another vector. Super minimalist wallpaper for anyone.. took about half an hour to do. It's available for download here or at my deviantart page.. here's a direct link.

Just got home from ice hockey. (: It was pretty fun, damn tiring but quite entertaining.. only fell down once. Although for the past 5 years, the only ice i ever touched was the kind that you put in drinks.. i discovered that I can still skate. Still a bit unsteady la.. but i think if I practice I can get it right. And Ian and Bronson taught me to brake.. so.. once i get that down I should be fine. Well.. off to bed.. tomorrow it's vector time again. haha.. I live such a sad life.

P/S: I think the lead vocalist of Weezer (Rivers Cuomo) is fot.

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