Tuesday, March 14

Subterfuge Ink

Listening to Someday You Will Be Loved by Death Cab For Cutie

Well, I've officially kicked off my latest occupation as a freelance designer / photographer. If anyone would like to hire me do call. (: Anyways.. been slogging away at this web-folio for the past week because of the Charlton Media thing that I'm hoping to get. Mm.. yes, i also want to say to my feature writing group / news writing group that I'm really really really sorry because I lost our newspaper when my computer crashed last semester. It feels like someone stabbed me in the groin cause that was so much sweat and blood. haha

Anyhoo, I'm going to Hong Kong in 2 days! OMG.. So fuckin exciting. U guys all suck because Singapore has been unusually hot and humid and HONG KONG IS 22 to 11 DEGREES. HAHAHAHHA .. I'm so happy. I'm going to prance around on rainbows.

Oh and by the way, if u visit any of the pages on my website, the left navigation bar has a 'categorised art' nav bar thingy that's not working at the mo. The site's still undergoing upgrading so minor glitches will be fixed but as of today I am www.subterfugeink.com. (:

Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole
Just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound
But while you debate half empty or half full
It slowly rises, your love is gonna drown

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