Wednesday, April 12

When September Ends

Listening to Cash Machine by Hard-Fi

Sigh, been going on slow-mo since the week crawled in, i'm dying for it to start speeding up since mid-week is tomorrow. September seems so far away, i was thinking back.. when we went to New York, when wednesday used to mean dressing up for ladies night with my girls. It all seems like a faded sketch. Now i'm down to the monotomy of 9-5. Worse still, i might even be in until 8 some days.. according to Mary-Ann. XB's got the easier job, but in terms of pay, he's getting more. haha .. But he deserves it anyway. Been a great help, Wenliang was quite impressed by his work on Mishire's website. (:

Anyhoo, i've just been officially called back for more work on Singapore Idol 2. This time it's 4 days, but i might not have to go down everyday anymore. And all the hot guys have gone. :( So boring man.. haha .. and my pay won't come in till maybe a month or so. I'm itching to start buying hockey gear.

I stepped on broken glass just now. WTF right, in my room. Dunno where the hell it came from, but it was a tiny piece.. and i think there's still a really small one stuck in my foot cause it's been irritating the fuck outta me and i can't seem to see anything under my foot. CHi. Howard came by for a smoke just now, I've been seeing Howard everyday la, but he's been a great help. Looks out for me and I've been learning a lot from him and meeting a lot of useful contacts through him as well. So i'm not compaining. (:

I can't wait for my dad to move out. I have a feeling he isn't going to, which pisses the fuck out of me. Bastard.

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