Thursday, June 8


Listening to Devil's Party by INXS

More photos for you!


kuku ming

Went to Zouk clubbing yesterday with Steph and Andrew and his friends. It was so much fun. Haha .. Like i always don't like clubbing but usually once i get there i tend to enjoy myself. And last night was no exception. Andrew is so much fun, i love him so much! hahahaha .. so anyways. We majorly over-ordered. It was happy hour and we kinda went crazy. So, we ended up with 4 jugs and 26 shots for just 3 of us. Oh dood. It was fucking hilarious. We had about 8-9 shots each and a jug apiece, and then we had to get people to finish off the last jug. It was so hilarious. We spent most of the time learning each other's dance moves.

AND THEY ARE NO ORDINARY DANCE MOVES. You should see us in action.

Steph and her Dior

Andrew with Steph's Dior

Yeh, we finished all 26 shots.

Andrew posing with our shots and jugs.

And since we are such pretty people, the paparazzi came to shoot us and put us in

Err.. steph and i got bored.

Listening to Devil's Party by INXS

More photos for you!

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