Monday, September 4


Listening to Still Breathing by Duran Duran

What is it about clubbing that is so great? I mean, you always see scenes on tv or in movies from a club, and there's something that's just so exciting about it. Like some mystery, an intimate need to jump in and let loose and a lack of involvement with the people who you let in closer that your usual comfort level. I felt that tonight, the lights and the music just throw you in and make you want to give it all you've got.

And there's something fantastic about gay clubbing. You can totally let loose and not care about who's gonna take advantage of you or judge you. I love gay men. It's different, it's exciting. The fact that there's a whole floor packed with men and you can dance your heart out. You can smile and chat and dance with any one of them and not worry about involvement. And of course there's Andrew and Daniel, my favourite dance partners, who i love very dearly. (:

It was a kick-ass night. And now, here's an OPEN INVITATION to Zouk this wednesday for Mambo night, it's gonna be a top night. Be there!

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