Thursday, November 30

Some Christmas Love

Listening to I Could Have Lied by Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Dear Secret Santa:

This is what I want for christmas. I have been very kind and thoughtful and included a picture so that it would be easier for u to identify my present. It is called 'Diamond Fiction' and it's made by Tag Heuer. There are 879 Top Wesselton (5.8 carats) Diamonds on this watch and only 3 of them have ever been made, so it shouldn't be too hard for u to find it and buy it for me.

No seriously. I want it. Even if u can only find a replica, i'll still take it.

[EDIT] Let me add, that this offer is open not just to my Secret Santa but to the general public. And I can say that this is an offer for a contract. If you get me Diamond Fiction I will shag you on the spot and swear my soul to be your eternal slave for as long as I live. There, I have stated my terms and any breach of contract can result in either party sueing because there is monetary value involved. Oh my god, I am going to get an AD for Media Law.

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