Monday, February 12

Every Boy

Listening to Boys In The Band by The Libertines

Wah. I've been so productive today. I spent most of the night Youtubing and downloading music. Welly hardworking k. It all started with JT's what goes around video. God that boy is sexy. And then it went on to more MTVs and then on to stupid home videos. I've just been entertaining myself tonight. The closest i've come to studying is photocopying all my notes and reorganising them and having a discussion with Mavis about Contract I: Intention to create legal relations and considerations and terms of contracts. Which is totally like all that we'll be tested on. haha

I did however, go to school today to Factiva with Joo Joo, Poo & Woo. haha.. and we went for dinner with Moo and ended up telling ghost stories. It was veh nice! veh nice! Anyways.. i'm having a crap time at home. It seems i might end up having to pay for my Europe trip myself. My mum paid for the air ticket and my dad refuses to chip in. What a dickhead. Nevermind, i'll just dig out money for myself, i don't need him. I'm going to fuck hot italian men with or without his money. hahahaha

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