Tuesday, February 13

Planet Earth

Listening to I'm Yours by Jason Mraz

OH MY GOD. Planet Earth has got to be the sexiest documentary in the world. Mei and I spent SIX HOURS today watching Planet Earth. I am amazed. They have first ever footage of some animals that have never been caught on camera before, like the gorgeous snow leopard in it's home environment with a cub. They have shots of Pikas, these animals that look like rabbits but with really round bodies. Their the animal that Pikachoo was named after. And SQUARE-faced foxes. What the fuck right. And they have the first shot of a ONE TONNE great white shark completely out of the water trying to catch a seal.

And HAIRY CAMELS! oh my god. There are really hairy camels that can only be found in Mongolia and they survive on ice. Like they eat ice. And to seduce females, the males slap their own asses with their tails. HAHA .. it's the most entertaining documentary ever. And they had this shot of some flying lemur. And Mei and I had this conversation:

Me (A): WAH!
Mei: It looks so weird!
A: Yeah but very cute!
M: Maybe it came from space. Like you never know. Maybe some of these animals are actually aliens that just fell into earth.
A: Yeah, i'm sure they just fell in and happened to look like mammals.
M: well.. you never know right?
A: Mei, they would burn before they even reach the clouds
M: Well you know, if they're from space they would've evolved right?
A: yeah okay, so lets go to the rainforest and burn all the animals. The ones that don't burn are from space.

Mei is the only person I can have conversations like this with.

And I take my hat off to their cameramen. Not only talented but extremely patient people. They are so fucking dedicated. They built a 'hideout', like a camoflaged shelter with camera equipment in and enough space for one person to sit in. And one guy stayed in there for 120 hours just waiting for a 30 second shot of some bird of paradise. Damn glam can. And they dragged their camera out in Antarctica in -60 degrees with winds travelling at 50 miles per hour just to film the emperor penguins. They like had 5 or 6 guys carry 500kg worth of camera equiment 1 mile underground into like some damn scary cave. 500kg! I don't think we even came close to that during locvid and we were already whining.

These people are fantastic. They even waded in waist-deep into a mountain of bat shit and cocroaches just to get some shot. The guy who shot the scenes of the snow leopards waited a few weeks for 5 minutes of footage. He spent christmas day in a tent, standing in front of a camera waiting for something to appear. And they can stay there like all day just staring at the screen. Kanina k.

One day I'm determined to be a wildlife photographer. Oh and please stop global warming.

MAVIS: i don't mind okay, atleast i get to make money from fucking hot italian/spanish men. haha

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