Saturday, February 17

Malaysia Truly Asia

Spawn was released last week. I just forgot to upload it here. Anyways, i've just gone through our e-mails from our client (Coke) and guess what they said,
"Our region country manager pointed out that the works of these students have even surpassed that of those from the above-the-line agencies."

WAH! aren't we just like so hot? And by 'these students' they mean all the teams. So I think all of us should be really proud of ourselves. I can't believe how far we've all come after just 3 years in poly. It's been such an amazing experience and it's totally works!


I went shopping alone today. It comes with the package when you live with a family like mine. At 3pm everyday EVERYONE goes to sleep. It's like nap time. I usually take advantage of this time to run out to smoke. And at night, the house is dead by 9pm. But yeah, this time, i got my aunt to drop me off before naptime. haha

But back to the point, shopping was quite good. Although i spent quite a lot of time worrying about getting mugged/raped/murdered, i enjoyed myself quite a bit. I bought some pretty nice and cheap tops. And last night I went to the night market to buy some presents for Xin & Jo, since they are helping me take care of Coco over this weekend.

But ya. Even though now i don't really think twice about going out alone, i realised how crazy this country is. A few days ago, at this condo near my grandparents place, this husband and wife got into an arguement. And no, he didn't kill the wife. The wife got so angry that she ran out of the house. And instead of chasing her with a chopper (like malaysians usually do), the guy went back into the house and killed his two sons (aged 8 and 10) and then killed himself. Seriously. this country is full of psychos.

AND, the guys in Malaysia are fucking hilarious. They are so straightforward when they try and hit on girls that most of the time i'm just trying really hard not to laugh. These are some of the pick-up lines you tend to encounter when you're in Malaysia:

PUL 1: eh.
PUL 2: eh girl.
PUL 3: Oi! Lang Lui! (pretty girl)
PUL 4: eh. eh.. EH!!
PUL 5: Hello! Hello? ... eh!

Yeah.. they like to say 'eh' a lot. Whatever line they try, if it fails, they always resort to 'EH! EH GIRL!' hahahaha .. it's fucking hilarious. Most of the time i just try my best not to laugh (in fear of getting stabbed) and walk away. It's such a great experience living in Malaysia.

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