Saturday, April 21

Ruby Ruby

Listening to Ruby by Kaiser Chiefs

Hello little people!

haha .. I just finished yet another gruelling 10 hour shift at Suntexity with the priya, mavis, and the fat weiming. And Anne. Warlao we never laughed so much in our lives. We've even named other people that work at the exhibition, like Pirahna Face and Twitchcock and Ugly Bag. Hahaha .. we're so fuckin mean. But it was quite funny. And even these girls we made friends with from Glow (spa and health thingy) were amazed at us. Mavis overheard one of the girls say: "How come they can laugh until like that one?"

HAHAHHA .. we are just too cool. But i think by tmrw night we'll be so fucking sick of each others' faces, and sick of talking about MRET. haha .. but Weiming and I are fuckin glam because we sold our first MRET machine today! BEFORE ANY OF THE OTHER STAFF DID! The woman actually confided after she made the purchase that she decided to buy the item because we were so hot. At first she was skeptical, but after admiring out beauty over a cup of the healthiest water in the world, she was convinced to buy one.

We have also unanimously decided that Weiming is the fattest person at our booth and requires 20 boxes of slimming patches to even come close to our petite bodies. All of us (when we were bored) also took a Smoking breathaliser test at the Quitline booth. Anne (0.02%), Seb (0.03%), Me (0.04%) and Weiming (0.09%). The woman actually told me that 0.04% is a very low and hence healthy level of carbon monoxide in my body, so I am not in any danger and so i can keep smoking. Weiming on the other hand, is about to contract lung cancer. So please don't insult him when u see him nomatter how ugly he looks because it is probably due to his health. It's very mean to make fun of sick people.

Europe pictures coming up very very soon!

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