Wednesday, August 22


Listening to Lolita by Stereophonics

I feel.. like a druggie. I've been sooo stoned in my waking hours. I slept nearly 30 hours since yesterday. And i was only awake for 2 and 4 hours inbetween for meals and whatnot. Been trying to make a super-speedy recovery from my fever/flu/whatever so that I can make it to steph's last Mambo tonight. I'm loads better now though.. been on a downloading spree.. just downloaded like 5 albums. I'm quite hooked on Gym Class Heroes's Cupid's Chokehold, maybe cause MTV's been brainwaswhing me.

Okay, to redeem myself after succumbing to mainstream hip hop. I chanced upon this band called Nada Surf, which sounds quite promising (particularly this song called Always Love). And the album that I downloaded, called The Weight is a Gift, was produced with Death Cab for Cutie's Chris Walla.

But ya. Apart from that I haven't been doing anything else today. My fever's been bouncing back and forth but hopefully i'll be up for clubbing by tonight (:

"Girl you got me going
Don't you wanna fly?"

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