Tuesday, July 29

25 Photos Shot at the Perfect Moment

Listening to Destination Calabria by Alex Gaudino

25 Brilliant Photos

I stumbled upon more photos that are too brilliant to not share and I must say some of them are phenomenal. Here are 25 photos that were shot at the perfect moment:

5 Painful Moments:

Painful Moment 1:

Painful Moment 2:
Ok seriously. Ouch.

Painful Moment 3:

Bum fun

Painful Moment 4:
HAHAHA omg look at her expression hahahahaha

Painful Moment 5:
The cheaper alternative to plastic surgery.

3 Unintentional Unglam Face Moments:

Unglam Face 1:
His inner-gay was exposed

Unglam Face 2:
K this one is actually kinda scary?

Unglam Face 3:
Guys we should've totally did tt face when we took the log ride at Lunway Sagoon.

5 Scary Moments:

Scary Moment 1:
I think the other two can say bye to their heads.

Scary Moment 2:
Srsly poor bike

Scary Moment 3:
This is just SIBEI SUAY.

Scary Moment 4:
wtf mate

Scary Moment 5:

7 Animal Moments:

Animal Moment 1:
Lol think he might've lost his head for a bit there hurhur

Animal Moment 2:
MOG so cute!

Animal Moment 3:
Just in time

Animal Moment 4:
okay, you have to wonder how the cat got there.

Animal Moment 5:

Animal Moment 6:
hahahahaha omg how can people say that animals don't have expressions?!

Animal Moment 7:

5 Priceless Moments:

Priceless Moment 1:
A real-life Kenny Moment

Priceless Moment 2:
Everyone remembers their first blow job.
His was spectacular.

Priceless Moment 3:
Titanic anyone?

Priceless Moment 4:
Gotta love white people

Priceless Moment 5:
A very nice class photo. Look closlier..

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