Wednesday, November 26

Me Me Meme

Brilliant ad by TWBA Vancouver [via]

SO, here's 6 not-so-fascinating facts about me:
  1. I am obsessed with buying things that have no use to me (just in case I might need it one day).
  2. I have a tin of ashes from my cigarettes, I pledged to quit when it's full.
    It's almost half-full now.
  3. I think I might shrivel up and die if I went for a month without Asian food.
  4. I often fantasize about running away and not telling anyone so that I can live by the moment.
  5. I sometimes like to eat Bovril out of the jar. Mixed with my best friend's mum's famous chilli sauce.
  6. [EDIT] HAHAHAHAHA YES I CAN'T COUNT AWESOME! HOKAY 6. I am extremely nice and friendly to the maid who cleans our office once a week because I feel guilty for being a bitch to the maid who cleaned my house when i was growing up.
Tagged! I'm officially tagging my most loved friends, Joo, Moo and Poo. And whoever else read this.

Rules! There are too many.. just pass it on (:

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