Monday, December 8

Ready Set Blow

I am damn proud of coming up with two awesome porn movie names today,
  1. Ready Set Blow
  2. Cherry Poppins
though jules wins hands down with Black Cock Down (oh no! we have to get it up again!)

Ready Set Glo with Steve Aoki was fuckin awesome, srsly so satisfying, particularly after the last RSG. I saw everyone tt i wanted to see, and had the most awesome company ever, and the music was fucking good. We had quite a flot of drinks, and while we were waiting for Aoki to come on stage Jules and I had a cock battle (Yo Mamma style).

Jules: I will suck his cock so hard that it will come out through my nose.
Ade: I will suck his cock so hard that it go into my intestines and i will shit it out. Then I'll suck it again.
Jules: I will suck his cock so hard that his pee hole will expand to the size of a vadge.
Ade: I will suck his cock so hard that when he cums, cum will spurt out through my vadge.
Jules: I will suck his cock so hard that it will split into two and then when he cums it will drip out of my nostrils.
Ade: I will suck his cock so hard that it will split into two, and then i'll suck it until it splits again and again until it becomes powder and then i'll snort it and get high on his cock.
David, June and June's friend: OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!

And then later...
Jules: Eh dude, don't you think if you got a cock, and put it in a cock-sized coffin and cremated it and then snorted the powder, it would be fucking hot?
June's Friend: I'M NOT GAY!!! but ya that's quite hot.
Ade: dude... that's necrophilia man. Not cool.
Jules: Ya but.. ya. Fuck. True but.. EH DAVID go cremate your cock so we can try!

HAHHAHAHAHA I fuckin love c&c.

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