Wednesday, January 28

When I grow up

Listening to Beams by The Presets


I'm not quite sure why I love gay men so much, perhaps it's because they are just so much more free than straight people, and I envy that.

Tommy's big birthday/house party yesterday was just so much fun. Priya and I started drinking at 5pm and we didn't stop till close to 7 in the morning. There were bartenders and waitresses, an open bar, a buffet with the most awesome porridge ever and a wicked dj. What more could we have wanted? We srsly drank and ate and drank and ate and then drank and ate again. And in between we'd either be dancing or lounging by the pool with our bowls of porridge and cigarettes, watching the stars and talking to random people. It was soooo chilled out but happening at the same time. I think Tommy and Glen have to be the coolest 50-year-olds I know, I wanna be like them when I grow up.

Also, I'm quite proud to announce that my latest ranking of most alcoholic friends would be:
  1. Steph
  2. Andrew
  3. Priya
As you can see below, Priya finally hit her limit last night. I think, Mavis, Weiming and I all have photographic evidence. This is her passed out on the little chair in the majong room. Though she was up and dancing again after about 10 minutes. hahaha

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