Friday, March 23

A place on earth

Listening to I Want You by Savage Garden

I haven't been taking photos. The weather is miserable again. Wouldn't be surprised if it snowed today. We watched Becoming Jane and 300. Both of which were good for completely different reasons. Becoming Jane was sooooooo sweet. Seriously, it was so sweet that it would make any single person wanna kill themself. It was fucking upsetting too. Got me all depressed.. i came close to crying at atleast 3 different parts of the movie.

300 was just awesome plainly because of the cinematography and graphics. It was excellent but a little weird when the Persians started bringing out their creatures and shit. I know it's historically innacurate for one.. but if it originated from comics then i guess it's ok. But still.. how can i not like a show about superb Greek warriors who's war cry is my nickname? hehe

We went to an excellent club called Panjea the other day. It's one of the super A-list clubs in London.. the kind where u can only get in if ur on the guest list or if u intend to spend a minimum of 500 pounds for one night. Yan got us on the list which was really cool. It was quite a good night.. he crowd was a little bit older .. like 20s and 30s but the music was excellent.

Anyhoo.. tonight's gonna be another big night of clubbing. Since it's friday night and the start of the Easter Break. And we're going around Europe in 2 days!

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