Saturday, March 24

A Quick One

Just a quick blog. It was such an eventful night. We had dinner with the Singaporeans just off Oxford street at a place called Thai Square. Food wasn't anywhere close to the real deal but it was satisfying enough for London. After dinner we walked down to Strawberry Moon, where i completely blew my spending limit for today. Seriously, i would love to live in London if i weren't for two things: the weather and the costs.

Anyways.. The music was excellent.. it was retro night and they even put on a couple of Mambo tunes. There were quite a few hot guys there but the guys were, in general, a little dodgy. Ya. So everyone except Marvin and I got piss-drunk. Hero & June were being really crap and left early. Koonz was dancing like a jack russel on prozac (i seriously wonder what that boy is on). Steph tried to pick a fight with some girl. And Twan was yelling at his girlfriend over the phone. Then as Marvin & I were trying to get 4 dunk people home, I picked a fight with a cab driver which i think was completely justified because the asshole fucking reversed into me while i was trying to hail a cab on the side of the road. And he wasn't even a real cab driver, he was one of those unlicensed cabbies with regular cars just trying to make extra money. What a dick.

I hate all cab drivers. They belong to the lowest level of hell.

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