Friday, April 6

Barca Barca

Hey!! I´m in Barcelona now! I know it´s been so long since my last entry but i just haven´t been able to get the time away.. i think so far barca´s my favourite country, we´ve literally been clubbing everyday.

Up until now i´d rate my cities as

1. Barcelona
2. Prague
3. Rome
4. Venice
5. Milan

Prague was absolutely gorgeous, especially since it was such an historical town. And we met these two really sexy Czech male twins. Milan was such a huge letdown.. it looks exactly like Malaysia. Rome was cool.. not quite as romantic as i expected, but the historical side was cool, and we saw the pope! Venice was .. as i expected, covered in one day. It was more like a novelty thing, like u have to see it but more than 1 day there and u wanna kill urself.

Barca´s much cheaper than Italy and a lot more laid back, plus i met someone here and he´s really sexy. He looks like the boyfriend of the main character from Laguna beach. It´s fantastic. haha .. tell u guys more when i get back on tuesday!

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