Wednesday, February 25


Camera Street, Taipei, Taiwan.

Cataclan/Boracay, Philly.

Boracay, Philly.

Mekong River, Vietnam.

Street kids, Ho Chin Minh, Vietnam.

Ho Chin Minh City, Vietnam.

I must say I'm pretty pleased with how my shots came out, considering that this is only my third and forth run on my LCA. I think I'm starting to get a hang of it and I'm really loving the manual capabilities of the LCA. I'm starting to understand why it's one of the most-loved and most expensive Lomo cameras out there. But it's a bittersweet moment, esp since the shutter got all cranky and caused me to waste over 20 shots per roll. Which amounted to almost 50 bucks wasted on film and developing ):

Anyways, just wanted to share it with you guys. I also have something that David sent me in response to my previous post on awesomely sexy vibrators - some Obama love:

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