Friday, February 27

Naked People

Ever wondered what some people look like naked? Well now you can find out with Naked People, a site that takes the average person and shows you how they look naked.

Jules thinks that we should submit our photos.

Also! omg i have a new camera on my wishlist. Actually I've been planning to buy a new pocket camera after I sold my Nikon off to Steph and now I've found the perfect one. Check out the new Samsung TL320. Omg it's orgasmic. And it's coming out at only USD380 in May.

And it's not just a pretty camera too. The new Samsung TL320 is a 12 megapixel camera that comes packed with 5x optical zoom and a 24mm ultra wide lens. It's also the first camera in the world to feature a 3.0-inch VGA AMOLED screen which means brighter colours, better viewing in a spectrum of light conditions and also crisp and sharp playback. It's also got these fantastically beautiful dials (somewhat like a car dashboard) that features the battery life and memory space. OMG SO PRETTY!! I'm so gonna get one.


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