Sunday, March 15

Plus and Minus

I've had a very low-key weekend. Spent most of last night evening around Sim Lim for a wireless transmitter for my SB600 flash. Only one shop had it but they said the shipment will only arrive on monday so i had to come back -_- On the plus side, I found a decent memory card reader to replace the one i gave steph. It's super small and cute, it's about 1" x 1" in size and it even has a foldout thumbdrive wire. And only 12 bucks! Jules if ur still looking for USB hubs i saw about a million of them at under $15.

On the downside, my bike it down ): I think it's the wiring, cause i recently had the battery changed. I reckon something's loose. As always, I attempted to fix it myself but since I can't pinpoint exactly what it is, I failed. hahaha

OH! And as most of u probably already know, I'm about to be the proud new owner of my 9th camera, a Yashica Electro GSM, dated at around 1973. This one to be exact:

I won it off ebay at just under SGD50 .. with an additional 40 bucks for shipping. Probably the most awesome thing about winning this camera is the suprise message that I got from the seller last night:

"Sorry, by mistake I sent you the WRONG camera!
I will mail the right camera today. So you will get TWO packages from me.

You can keep BOTH!" - George

AAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH HOW AWESOME IS THAT. I feel like i just won the lottery. So I'm going to own a grand total of 10 cameras instead. I wonder what the mystery camera is. For all u know it might be some shitty wok camera. HAHAHA but I don't really mind. The more the merrier. He must've figured that the shipping cost he'd have to cover in order for me to mail it back was just not worth it. I AM FCKN HAPPY.

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