The thing about working in the east is that there are tonnes of weird people around. Like loud-mouthed know-it-all contractors, mentally-challenged old men, construction workers who've never seen women before, scary topless malay men with bloodied faces (i swear i saw one today) and more topless men with a million beads hanging off their necks. It's a bit like being in Malaysia. Or.. Arizona.
Maybe it's their lack of contact with civilisation, but for some reason the people there appear to have mutated over time. I mean, look at Jules, she has unusually large breasts for an asian chick. Very soon we're all going to start walking around like zombies.
On the plus side though, there are loads of seriously cool old-school houses, buildings and shops. We haven't fully explored the area yet but I did find these awesome masks today.
Also on the plus side, maybe my breasts will mutate and I'll catch up with Jules soon.
Also, just explored Ann Siang road this evening with Joo. My Books Actually experience was ruined mostly by 2 annoying Singaporians with faux american accents. According to Joo one of them is a well-known writer but WHO GIVES A SHIT. PLEASE. BOOKSTORES ARE NOT FOR YOU TO SHOUT OUT "OHHHH, MYYY, GAWD THIS SHOP IS LIKE SEEEEEEEEEWW CUTE! OHHHH, MYYY, GAWD THAT BIRD IS SEEEEEEEEEEWWW CUTE, I ABSO-LUTELY HAAAAVE TO TALK LIKE, A COMPLETE JACKASS!"
Though I must say that her statements were very factual.
No but ok, my rant. Yes, FTS. I am generally quite tolerant of most Singaporeans even when they are being all.. Singaporean. Even i-have-more-brains-than-you uni students, elitist JC kids, kiasu aunties, construction workers who have to comment on everything at least 5 times as if they invented it themselves (they DO exist! we sat next to 3 of them at lunch yesterday) and men who have to pee around their girlfriends, as long as they do not rub it my face (like taxi drivers). But that being said, I think my tolerance for SPGs and pretentious bananas is wafer-thin right now, it's just on a whole different level. I think one day I might actually punch one of them.
BUT, to cheer myself up, and I can not even begin to comprehend why jules and I are still shopping after Bangkok, I bought myself a lovely pair of these:
The omgsofuckingbeautiful Doc Martens Pascal Boots from Front Row. AREN'T THEY GORGEOUS?! I am quite poor right now but it is sooooo worth it. This has to be my most expensive purchase in at least 5 years but omg they are such beauty.
And the scary thing is that there were at least 4 other pairs of DMs tt I wanted. I think I might actually commit Seppuku. While wearing my DMs.
Also while I'm on the topic, this is a slightly late post but I'm currently going through youshouldhaveseenthis. It's a collection of 100 videos, photos and sites that can be found on the internet went viral, including things like the numa numa video, charlie the unicorn etc. TOPS!
Well turns out Jules decided to stop taking boxing classes with us since she's going off to Melb soon. But anyways, I decided to re-cultivate my excitement for boxing by uploading some photos of me and wm at boxing class.
Me at the punching-bag-drills and
wm practicing his signature move. I think he looks quite manly there.
5. My ticket to freedom I'll be brief, so that I won't bore your guys. I've decided to leave my Magic Mirror list incomplete. Because then, I'll always have the option of adding the next new hotty. HAHAHAHA
4. Pharrel Pharrel because he's so adorable and he looks like an incredibly fun guy to have around. Plus, he's got style and he's never lost his cool-factor.
3. JT ohmygawdpleasedon'tgetmestartedonJTheissofcknhot. JT, please do me hard, in the head.
2. Chris Evens Because we are a match-made-in-heaven. We belong together ok. Soon I will be Mrs. Johnny Storm (the pictures above are actually from our wedding album).
1. Shia Lebeouf (a.k.a Panty-Wetter) I don't really know what it is about Shia that makes my panties so wet but omg he is my number one, fo' sho! I want to marry him and make love to him all day long!
There it is! You can also check out Priya and Mavis's lists.