Thursday, October 6

Another Sunny Day In Californ-I-A

Listening to Marching Bands of Manhattan by Death Cab

So guess what, I just get home after a gruelling 3 hour NYC meeting and a very long shopping spree at IKEA and I'm fungry so I decided to make instant noodles. So now, I'm in my post-IKEA-high and I discover that I have one last packet of Shin Ramyun spicy mushroom flavoured noodles which is the best thing since Myojo's Tom Yum. I'm singing away in the best of moods and taking the pot off the cooker and I'm about to pour the noodles into a bowl when this fucking black shit flies down and fucking SKIMS accross my bowl of noodles. So I realise that it's this black spider with a huge butt and 'm thinking, like u fucking bastard, almost ruined my noodles but the other side of my head is like, thank god I can still eat my last packet of Shin Ramyun spicy mushroom noodles in peace when the fucking thing FLIES back into my bowl, sinks into the fucking water and fucking DIES. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!

Nggghhhhhhhhh. Anyways, ur all gonna hate me but I may be watching Death Cab in concert in New York. Other bands to choose from that will also be performing while we're there are U2, Keane and Franz Ferdinand. There's also Jamie Cullum. If possible we might set up interviews. glam right. I can just see the hate flowing into your face now. I really wanna see Death Cab.

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