Friday, October 28

Friendster Rampage

Listening to Burn Burn by The Lost Prophets

I'm so bored. Yesterday I slept at 2pm and woke up this morning at 4am. haha. So yes. I'm bored. So, I got an e-mail from Friendster saying that I have a friend request from Gab. Thus began my friendster rampage. I added all my NYC friends and then updated my profile. And once I was done. I was bored again.
I was looking through my 'Friends' list and I noted these few things:
  1. The first 6 people on my list are ridiculous because they just HAD to put some stupid symbol infront or behind of their names. Can I just say: BE FUCKIN NORMAL FOR ONCE.
  2. Number 4 on my list, I am embarassed to know her. And her boyfriend. Because I didn't think he was that retarded until I saw the photos.
  3. I have no idea who 2 & 5 are and am not proud of having them on my list.
  4. Number 2 has the gayest, most retarded profile page that I have ever scorned.
  5. I don't even like number 8. In fact, my best friend hates him.

So, you'd think this was bad enough right? But noooo.. I had to take it to the next level. So here are my STATISTICS:

Of the grand total of 207 people on my Friendster list,

No. of people I've only spoken to once: 34
No. of people I find extremely embarassing and irritating: 10
No. of people I don't know/remember: 24
No. of people I don't like: 24
No. of people I haven't spoken to for years: 47
No. of guys that are there only cause I think they're hot: 16
No. of people related to me: 5
No. of people that I can call friends: 24
No. of people I love: 23

Meaning that I only like one quarter of the people on my list. HAHA.. Friendster sucks.

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