Sunday, October 23

I Missed The Humidity

Listening to Like A Child by Backstreet Boys

Ok, i don't actually miss the humidity. It's like a blast of sweat from 60 smelly school kids that hits u in the face when u step out of changi airport. I was supposed to wake up at 3pm today. I woke up at 10pm instead. It was so weird, my room was completely dark when I woke up. But it was the best sleep in my life. After the Bowelry beds that bruise your butt if you jump on them and the fake walls and lack of ceilings where monsters snore loud enough to keep you awake for hours or people shout at you to shut up if you talk to loudly, my room is like luxury.

Well, considering that we left New York on Thursday and arrived on Saturday, it effectively means that I lost Friday. And now I've lost the entire Saturday to sleep. I vow to wake up tomorrow to see my dearest Charbee and Co.

I just went over the Weiming's house to see the latest attractions, deliver presents and read FHM. Weiming's room looks almost like mine did after world war III hit it. Hahha.. So yes. I spent the entire time sitting on his floor reading FHM, and left when the boys wanted to play games on the PS2. Blaaaaaagh. I can't sleep. It's 2pm in NY. I miss NY.

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