Sunday, October 2

Lyra and Will

Listening to All My Only Dreams by The Wonders [still]

Firstly, I wanna say to JULES:
You are very very dear to all of us as much as we love to make fun of you. And as my official lesbian partner, you will always be close to my heart AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME. HA HA.

Right. New blog. What can i say? I get bored easily. Not to mention people were having problems reading my blog and I didn't even realise it. I love white, did I tell you that before? Mmm white. I finished my book in the afternoon and didn't quite have the energy to go upstairs and scrape glowing stars off my ceiling so I decided to put my almost brand new tablet to good use and give this blog a shot. Not too bad I gotta say, one or two unglam twirly lines here and there but that's about it.

I've been listening to the same song all night because I think it's the sweetest and saddest song I have right now. So, here's how my past 2 days have gone by after arriving back from bankok went. I finished The Subtle Knife and moved on to The Amber Spyglass. Mum came back, big hurrah. I picked up coco who smells nice and for once is actually huggable. So I hugged him. About 10 million times cause that's what dogs are for and that's why I love my dog.
I missed my ex a lot today.

I put up flyers to sell my beds in full knowledge that once they are sold my brother will be back in Singapore and I will hence have no bed to sleep on anymore. I ran into Mitch in one of my most unglammest moments ever. [Mitch is my sister's pedophillic obsession] I finished The Amber Spyglass and felt full of awe and wisdom and sadness. I debated more and more over sashi but found no closure. I released another deviation.

I decided that tomorrow morning I'll make an effort to go to church and then attack my ceiling with a spatula.

[edit] Its 5 in the morning and I'm starting to doubt my ability to wake up for church. I can't sleep. I need a new book, I think I should go down to Borders soon.

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