Tuesday, October 11


Listening to Kiss FM

My bed, is not a bed. It's some form of a primitive torture device. I woke up at 2am urgently needing to pee but the toilet is way too scary, the corridor way too intimidating and Steph in way too a deep sleep to be awoken. So I held it in. Ha.. at 5 I couldn't take it and went to the creepy toilet, creaking doors, unflushable bowl and everything. And then, even better, I couldn't sleep.

Chin called, around 5am. (: I miss her. Haha .. my other lesbian partner. I HAVE to stop collecting. I bought ten minutes of internet for 1 buck and i have 6 minutes left. Damn. And 2 hours to kill. I'm going to smoke and watched baseball. How sad. I miss my bed already.

Anyawys, i was hoping to get on msn messenger but this crappy dial-up computer doesn't seem to have any. Pfft. As it is it's 6am [6pm SGT]. Pah, ok, later then. Might be online at 8 if Gerald will lend me his computer again.

oo time running out! OKAY! LOVE THE WEATHER! BYE!

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