Thursday, February 9

Ever walked away from someone blond, gorgeous and who said u were beautiful and didn't want to let go of you? haha .. I DID LAST NIGHT! fuck.. that sounds so slutty. He was really gorgeous. But my fireman is still hotter. hehe

And last night, I also met this guy, Adrian, who happens to be a slightly taller and skinnier replica of Mike Shinoda. Oh-love-at-first-sight. haha

ok u know what. I'm gonna stop here cause i don't want to sound slutty. And for all of u who want to call me slutty, fuck off because i didn't do anything with those two guys. haha

[edit] omg. I was just reading mavis' blog and she was talking about how Franz is one week away and i was like, oh yeah! And I have tickets! I'M ACTUALLY GOING TO SEE FRANZ FERDINAND LIVE! And then the glammest thing happened.

I realised that I don't know where the fuck I put the tickets.

Mavis, i bet ur gonna say that I'm a dumbass and that I should've locked it in a fire-proof, radiation-proof giant red box so that the tickets would never get distroyed or lost. Right. So I ran around my room and nearly made it look like world war III hit again trying to find the fuckin tickets. And u know what, they were on my table. Except that my dumbass sister shifted the table and it fell into the gap between the table and the wardrobe. Man.. can u imagine if i never found the tickets until like the day after the concert?

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