Saturday, April 1


Yesterday was the longest day ever. hehe.. first off we went to work, more pulling out hair cause of the Trimedia website. Rett and I played an early april fool's day prank on XB, and XB got angry at us :(

After work went to meet Mavis & Poo at Jurong for dinner, man.. i feel like i haven't seen poo for years! We were talking about work and all the stupid things we do during our hours. hehe .. right, so after that poo headed home and Mavis & I went to meet the hockey guys to skate. AND IT WAS GREAT!


haha .. cause the session was so satisfying. Peter was teaching mavis & I and we learnt a lot. How to power-skate and brake and all that. I'm so happy! haha .. Can't wait for ice hockey tonight! Now all I need is to have training with handling the puck. Still haven't had much work on that.

After skating went for prata and then went to town to catch a midnight movie. And we had one hour to kill so we went to the arcade. It's been AGES since I've been to an arcade. ANd what else did we play? AIR HOCKEY. hahaha .. it was damn retarded. We played until we were all sweating. haha And we watched Ice Age 2.. which was funny at some parts but quite shitty on the overall. The ending was like SHIT. haha

Anyways, been pulling in quite a bit of freelance work outside of The Trimedia and possibly some under the name of the Trimedia. And I've seen Howard everyday this week. HAha .. I guess I'm practically working for him now, so, at least I'm happy. It's really weird how much I love working. Haha .. Please don't get me wrong, I always like to bitch about work but I secretly love it. Haha .. must act cool a bit la. LOL .. I don't know why, but I just like having something to do.

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