Saturday, May 20

We were meant to live

Listening to Geek in Pink by Jason Mraz

Watched the Da Vinci Code just now.. it was kinda disappointing man.. the book was so much better. Like two fucking thousand times better. I mean.. it's a tough story to put into a movie.. there's too much info. So in the end it gets really draggy with a lot of talking. And they didn't even reveal that her brother was still alive. Fucktofu.

Ooh.. the best part! My skates arrived today!! woo! so exciting.. went to skate just now, before the movie with david, peter, k2 and k2's friend.. was alright, i fell down loads of times.. getting used to the skates and learning new ways to brake. Haha .. but it's okay, i'm a happy girl. hehe .. David was fucking crazy, he was using the rental skates, which are like, really shitty figure skates. And he took those cones, not the small ones, the big ones that go up to waist level, and he fucking jumped them. On the ice. On shitty skates.

fuck. what does hanging out with david teach me?

.. Always carry a camera with you.

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