Sunday, July 16


Listening to Chariot by Gavin Degraw

Man.. I haven't blogged in ages. I've been really busy, what with Hype going offstone (which still hasn't happened by the way). This week has been crazy, sleeping late and waking up at ungodly hours. Wed and thurs was Singapore Idol, and I was editting photos through the wee hours of the morning, and friday i got to see charbee & co! We went to baybeats. It was okay la.. but it was super-duper-cool seeing them all again. And then I had to wake up fricken early on sat morning for my bike theory test - which i passed. Yay!

Anyhoo, hockey was damn stressful yesterday. haha .. I played for line 1. And playing with Daniel and Bronson is mafucking stressful cause they're both so pro and i'm still playing like shit. LOL.. I had like 3725634235245 shots at the goal and I only scored once. Haha .. quite sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.