Sunday, October 15

Almost Famous

Listening to Strange and Beautiful by Aqualung

Oh my god, i've been a fuckin vegetable all day. I just watched Almost Famous, which i've gotta say was really really good. And i think Patrick Fugit is really cute and that Billy Crudup looks like Kevin from the Backstreet Boys. haha .. But that's it. I've just been sitting at home getting more and more depressed thinking of school tomorrow. I can't believe this is my last day of the holidays and I've got no plans. I've been steadily going through my playlist and listening to some slightly more old school things like Guns and Roses, System of a Down.. Finger Eleven & Spitfire.. at the highest volume and trying my best to piss off the neighbours.

Ah well, at least i know that when I'm down and lonely and depressed I've always got Andrew. hehe .. think we'll head out for a drink later or I could ride down to his place and play with his super-cute jack russel. I just need to get out of the house.

Well, there's nothing left to say. I guess I'll see you all back in school.

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