Monday, January 8


Listening to Tiny Little Fractures by Snow Patrol

I'm so totally emo today. When life is up, something will just kick you in the butt and make you realise that hey, it actually kinda sucks. My family life is one big rollercoaster. The good parts go by really fast, and the shitty parts just make you miss the good parts. My dad's such a total bastard. When you make an effort to do something nice for him, he actually takes it, throws it back in your face and calls you a 'selfish son-of-a-bitch'. I wish he'll just drop dead and die. (And please don't say that i'm so mean because I really wouldn't care if he did. He totally deserves it.)

Btw I've decided to change career paths and become a lawyer. Because Mavis and I are currently the top students in MedLaw. Then again it could be because we're so prettaye.

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