Sunday, February 18


OMG I'VE DISCOVERED THE SECRET TO HEARTS! Ya okay, i'll admit that Malaysia is getting fucking old on me. I've been spending a lot of my free time (and that's A LOT) playing the PC version of hearts and wondering why the hell the queen of spades always miraculously ends up with me. BUT I'VE MASTERED IT! I ACTUALLY WON! LIKE TWO WHOLE GAMES IN A ROW! hahaha .. i realise how sad i sound.

But really. I'm so fantastically glad that i'm going back to Singapore in 13 hours, which sounds like a long time away as it is but i'll sleep through most of that. I'll be home! Where I can smoke freely and go out anytime i like and last night i was so bored that i started thinking about what i would be doing if i was in SG and i started getting all these really cool ideas for photographs and i just can't wait to hold my camera again. And Jules thanks for inviting us over for dinner. It sounds GREAT. Better than any of my recent chinese new year activities. hahaha ..

Even going out with Dani last night wasn't that much fun. He finally got together with his girl best friend and suddenly he's all in love and talking about getting married. How freaky.. and he spent the whole night pining for her because she just went back to Ukraine the day before to complete her degree in medicine. And yeah fine, he's 27 and i guess marriage is okay at that age but still. The last time i was here he was single and we would go get wasted all the time and now he's all sit-down-have-a-coffee and no-thank-you-i-gave-up-drinking which is just all too strange for me. At least he hasn't quite smoking.. thank god.

But whatever it is, Malaysia with it's a-pothole-every-5-metres and it's suicide bikers and 2 ringit ang pows is just not the place for me. I can't wait for Mambo on wednesday and i can't wait to go to Europe. I was just planning the trip with my siblings and it sounds so eggciting. I can't wait!

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