Sunday, February 4

I'm Yours

Listening to I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab For Cutie

You've probably already read about this in Jules' or someone elses' blog, but pay attention, I HAVE PICTURES THEY DON'T HAVE! hahahaha .. duh, i had the camera. But really guys, sorry, i've been so caught up with advertising that i've hardly even had time to eat and sleep, let alone sift through pictures for u guys. BUT, that doesn't mean that I won't okay?

Anyhoo, we went to Haji lane last weekend to see see (after Keshia's super inspiring photoessay), we all wanted to go check it out. And I brought my new fishy fisheye lens! (: So funz ritez. Here's some of the pictures! I promise i'll upload somemore soon!

Ya. On to more intersting topics! What more is there to talk about but ADVERTISING?? OMG IT IS THE MOST EXCITING PROJECT I'VE EVER WORKED ON.


haha .. bet u believed me for a moment. I srsly do not feel like I've finished school okay. I've overnighted waaaay more than i would've liked to and I'm getting soooooooo sick of Coke. My team's been living off instant noodles, redbull and for me, cigarettes. It is unbelievably unhealthy. I can't wait for Wednesday. By wednesday pitch would be over, adcre would be over, the advertising test would be over and I would've submitted my movie review for urbanwire and my direct marketing assignment AND looking forward to Mambo night so that I can kick back and just let hot guys come shag me all night. And all that would stand between me and graduation would be Masina & MedLaw exams.

Let us all say it together. 'Yesssssssssssssssssssssssss..'

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