Sunday, March 4

Dance Dance

Listening to This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race by Fall Out Boy

I was just going through my old photos and I came across this one and i realised what a great foursome we were. HAHA .. the original members of Alcoholics Anonymous. Anyhoo, dinner last night was okay, as we were walking from Shaw to Wheelock, Chris commented how weird we must look like as a group. There's Andrew, the pan-asian, Daphne who's just super short and a semi-celebrity, Chris who's atleast 10-15 years older than us and me who's got more metal on my face than the average person. And i realised how true it was.

But we had a good time, spent almost the entire night talking about movies, and all the while all i could think of was that Jules would probably be a lot more comfortable in this conversation that me. And i also realised how little i know about movies.

Mm.. I've starting to sink into complete boredom these few days. I can't believe how much time there is on the weekend. When we were in school the weekend used to pass waay too fast, now it just drags on and all i really think is how everyone's outside and having a good time and how i'm at home rotting. And it's not like i can't go out, i could if i wanted but i don't really want to. It's too much effort. hahaha .. i feel sad.

I'm putting off packing, cause i know if i pack now i'll just spend the next 5 days BOUNCING around in excitement about the trip. Does anyone wanna send me to the airport? My flight's at 6.45 am on Friday morning and it seems that no one's driving me to the airport since both my parents are out of town. I feel so loved. haha

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