Sunday, November 23

Josh Keyes

This is going to be a long post because this guy, Josh Keyes, is just so brilliant. I really want to share his work here but there were just too many out of a massive gallery to pick from.

On a really shallow level, i just love how he dissects things and serves it to you like a slice of pie. But I think the most moving thing about his work is how he uses simple things like a slab of water, an animal, a piece of earth and a bit of man-made debris and puts them together with such empathy and in a way that no one has ever imagined just to show us how beautiful nature is and what we're doing to it.

The man himself, Josh Keyes. I was so moved by his work that when I found out his prints were for sale at USD400 a pop I was ready to buy one on the spot. Unfortunately they were already sold out.

If you have the time you should definitely drop by his gallery to view the rest of his set. All of the above are under the paintings section.

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