Monday, January 5


Origami In the Pursuit of Perfection from MABONA ORIGAMI on Vimeo.

Yet another brilliant stop-motion video. It gets a bit long and draggy towards the end, but the fact that it's all real origami - done by Dutch Mabona Origami - adds to the street cred. The concept was done by advertising agency Nordpol+ Hamburg for the jap sports brand ASICS. This multi-award-winning video was picked out by shows in london, new york, miami and germany.

Well.. first day of the year is always depressing. I had the sunday blues real bad yesterday, except for the fact tt i had the lovely c&c to cheer me up. I'm still pissed at how little sleep i got this whole break. I was meant to sleep in most of sunday but for some reason i got up after only 4 hrs of sleep and i couldn't get back to it. fuck shit fuck. I miss my awesomely eventful holidays. I was just thinking about how cool it would be to just drop everything and travel the world. It's definitely the way to go. The good thing is that after Boracay, steph, mei and i are getting more and more solid on our round-the-world trip. I can't wait.

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