Monday, March 9

Love for all!

Listening to Strawberry Swing by Coldplay

The votes are in, and I'd like to officially crown our new C&C logo! So pls save a copy y'all.

On a second note, i'm shit tired for some reason, tho' it's only 12. I realised tt over the past few days i've spent most of my free time.. working -_- I've been working on the TUG/FUG site, priya's namecards and several failed attempts at a resizable html site, after I decided that my portfolio site desperately needs a makeover (it's sooooo last season).

Anyways, i realised tt it's been a long time since i've felt like falling asleep at my computer at home. I mean, feeling sleepy at work or in school is normal cause it's work, but falling asleep at home just means you're really tired. But okay, i'll stop rambling on. I don't know why but i felt a sudden bubble of love for Charbee & Co., and i thought i'd say it so you guys know.

I love y'all! And i can't wait for Bangkok and more oops tips tips tips moments!

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