Tuesday, March 24

More Penises

After spening at least half an hour to 45 minutes desperately clearing my RSS, I found out the following:
  1. I have a rather large Twitter Penis (Tweenis), almost 7 inches, even though I'm fairly new to Twitter. Not Bad.
  2. Jules has a longer Tweenis than me.
  3. June has an even longest one.
  4. I love marble games.
  5. The 'Lion Whisperer' is so remarkable, but I'm afraid they'll kill him one day.
  6. A Coldplay roadie (possibly the one who wanted to fuck me) wrote a 5-mile-long blog post about their gig in Sydney and a measly four-image-long one about Singapore. With no accompanying text.
  7. Colours turn me on.
  8. Cats are so fucking cute. I want one.
  9. I think the Russians are bored.
  10. Is this LSP's aunt?!

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