Monday, April 27

Mac vs. PC

I have long since given up on trying to argue with PC users on the 'which is the better OS' argument. It is the same as the which handphone brand is better or why everyone should be atheist argument. There is just no way to win because it boils down purely and simply to personal preference.

I am, however, very happy that Smashing Mag has released a practical and objective view as to why mac-lovers love mac. And more importantly, that it was written from a designer's point of view, it is just a more practical OS for us. Now there's no real reason why i'm highlighting this article other than the fact that it embodies all the loveable and useful things about macs, so if you're not willing to give Apple a chance then it's ok not to read it. If you are an apple lover, someone who's on-the-fence or an open-minded pc-user then i think you'll be quite pleased with it.

"When pressured to explain why they prefer OSX, Mac users often rest on qualifiable and subjective arguments such as “it feels intuitive” or “I enjoy using it more” or even “I can’t explain why I like it better, I just do.” The Windows user, when presented with these arguments, usually rolls his or her eyes and continues on their way. It isn’t until someone truly makes up their own mind to give OSX an honest chance that they can understand what all the fuss is about."

[read the full article here]

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