Wednesday, October 26

bored bored bored

Listening to In Your Honour by Foo Fighters

whoa.. so i was going through my mail after sending Christine her 235745 photos ONE by ONE because my fricken e-mail can't send it in bulk and guess what I came across. HA HA .. check this out [link].

Anyways, Hersheys gave birth! To two ugly pink babies. Well, three, but she cannibalised one. So, Monty's supposed to eat end of the month but Jonathan's going to Bankok tomorrow and he wanted to see her eat. So I went down to the pet shop and bought two more females, one to breed, one to feed. Yes? Balance of life and death right? Oh, did I not mention that while I was away my brother LOST Cadbury? Nnnnnggh.

K. So I got two new ones, black and white. I told my brother to pick the one he thought was uglier so he picked one up and put it in the tank with Monty. And monty was like fuckin' oblivious the entire time. I actually got bored waiting for her to eat the damn mouse. So I started observing the mice and then I realise that the one inside the tank is way cuter than the other one cause it had this white patch on it's nose. So I said, ok, let's save that one and throw the other one in.

So Jonathan took it out of the tank and I got the other mouse out. Then I took the 'uglier' one and put it in. Within 3 seconds Monty killed it. And I was like. HA HA. See, she didn't want to eat the cute one. But guess what. I THREW THE WRONG FUCKING MOUSE IN THE TANK.

nnnnnnnngggghh. Now the 'cute' one is in Monty's belly, happily digesting away. Ugh. ANyways. I'm bored bored bored. I cleaned up my room. What an achievement. Jon also managed to get the Foo Fighters album onto my lappie which is glam. ANd he also got the IPOD 30 gig video. FUCK.


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