Friday, March 10


Listening to Pedalpusher by Stereophonics

Somehow the holidays don't feel like holidays.. these are the things i wanted to accomplish this month:

1. Take up ice hockey.
2. Vector
3. Get my provisional license
4. Do up my portfolio
5. Go to Hong Kong!
6. Hunt for unis

So far i'm progressed quite smoothly through 1 and the way to 3 but somehow i'm jammed at 4. And the worst bit is that there's an offer as magazine designer for Charlton media and me and xb are signing up but they want our portfolios and resumes a.s.a.p. which means I HAVE BEEN WORKING LIKE A MAD PERSON.

You won't believe that this is the lifestyle of someone on holiday. Ever since i met Joo & XB on tuesday i've worked all through to the middle of thursday morning and then slept 4 hours and then got up to go meet Danni. Which is today.

[Let me sidetrack] It was actually a lotta fun. God we went to like a million toy shops.. walked all over Singapore. He had a LIST with addresses and all. And it turns out that toys are actually pretty cool. I'm a newfound fan of Mc Farlane, the artist for Spawn. I really wanna draw his stuff.. especially the dragons.
So basically we went from orchard mrt to far east and then to cine and then to midpoint and then to river valley, took a pitstop along the river for some drinks and then walked down to peninsular and then to sunshine plaza and then to bras brasah. haha .. insane eh? Tomorrow we're hitting suntec and holland village.

So anyways.. back to what I was saying before. I feel like i've hardly slept.. i met Danni way in the morning, got home at night, started on my webfolio again and now it's the frickin middle of the morning already. And in a few hours i'm going to meet Danni again. omg.. and tomorrow when i get home i've gotta work again and then on saturday morning i'm meeting Danni again and then saturday evening it's two hours ice skating and two hours hockey training.

the only thing keeping me sane is knowing that I'm going to Hong Kong next week.

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