Wednesday, June 7

Damn The Man

Freddy the Chicken


XB is Colourful Mole Man


Hehehehe .. Me and Harry Potter.

Lians in MOS

Jon's assets.

Harry Potter stealing Cleo's O

Listening to Life is Wonderful by Jason Mraz

Oh dood, i'm in love with Jason Mraz. I got so hooked on Geek in Pink that I bought his album. Which i've had on loop all day. Hehe.. Anyhoo.. life in the Newsroom has been pretty haywire.. there's been a fuckload of last minute projects. But it seems NIKE is interested in advertising with us, and buying our fashion spread. Which means sponsored clothes! woo. haha .. exciting. Anyhoo.. this week's so jam packed.. I've been going out every night. Went to JB last night, it was so funny cause Lionel was freaking out about getting robbed or raped in JB, which was ironic since we there were 7 of us, and 5 of which are guys. And we ate so much! Just went there and got cigarettes, beer and food.

Hehe .. anyhoo, going to zouk tonight and i've got idol on tmrw.. I think the winners are pretty clear-cut this time round as well. Hope it won't be as draggy as last week, cause the studio happens to be mafucking cold. And sometimes there aren't enough chairs so I have to sit on the bloody floor in front of the stage. Yerr.. ah well. But as much as i whine about it I still miss mediacorp. I was so happy to be back there last week. haha .. Got to have dinner with Juan and I got to see Andrew and Chris and the rest of the crew again! And i got to see Freddy too! And of course the idols, i have developed this weird protectiveness over a lot of them. hehe .. right.

Hope u guys like the pictures. haha

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