Sunday, February 25

Retro Junkie

Listening to I Hate Myself For Loving You by Joan Jett

.. dedicated to all Mambo fans.

Just uploaded this series.. One of the ideas I had while I was rotting away in Malaysia. I guess that's the one good thing that can come out of boredom: great ideas. I was planning to do some other shots but it's been raining a lot and also after i got my haircut i look like a complete retard so I think i'm gonna have to wait till it grows out a little.

Anyways, self-portraits (from a purely arty point of view and not from a irritating 14-year-old-girl-cam-whoring point of view) are getting massively popular these days. I have no idea why, but i wanna start trying. I mean, not only is it massively difficult to frame yourself in the shot, it's also really tough bringing out your own character as a photographer.

I mean, it's easy to spot someone else's as your model but when it comes to yourself it ain't that easy. And in a way, if u've ever tried (and i mean really tried) u'd start to realise how naked u feel or even how ugly u feel when u shoot yourself (i'm waiting for mavis to say 'no, whenever i take a photo of myself i feel damn pretty'). And it's hard for me to take a photo of myself without being overly critical about it. But i guess that's part of the learning curve huh?

Anyways, i've been watching all these films i've been wanting to watch but haven't been able to find. Over the weekend I've seen Pulp Fiction, Donnie Darko, Trainspotting (which were all fucking good) and Alpha Dog (which is fucking disappointing). And I've been trying to watch Requim For A Dream too but the loading has been screwy. And i also wanna watch The History Boys and American History X but i can't fuckin find them. So if anyone has a link please send it to me! And Donnie Darko rocked.. I felt so disturbed and kinda emo after the show.. but it was brilliant.

"A storm is coming,"
Frank says,
"A storm that will swallow the children."
And I will deliver them from the kingdom of pain.
I will deliver the children back to
their doorsteps.
(I'll) send the monsters back to the underground.
I'll send them back to a place where
no one else can see them.
Except for me.
Because I am Donnie Darko.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[color=#ff0033][b]When I wanna say something, I am gonna say it strongly. Also this is who I am and if you don't enjoy what you read, then my advice is to go on to another page. If you don't appreciate what I write it is your problem, not mine. I just love what I thinkthat is true. Part of me is really scared and preoccupaid about cash spent on it but by the other way couldn't give a shit. Unluckily, my husband is not the same. Please, send positive energy, dance around a fire what ever to bring the positive energy this way and keep life this way. I have the echo in my hears bitching about [/b][/color] [url=http://www.]us cellular ringtone[/url] [color=#ff0033][b]exploding in my brain, and how says he's going to hate another insignificant evening. Unfortunately, this was also not false. Michelle and I were going through a not so long duration period of getting along fine when he asked an inoffensive enough question. Fair enough.
See you soon[/b][/color]