Monday, March 12


Listening to My Love by Justin Timberlake

It's 10am and i just spent the past two hours cleaning my sister's kitchen. It was gross. Seriously, jules would cry if she saw it. Don't think she'd even dare to walk in. Haha .. but now that it's clean, Yan (her roomate) and I have a deal, that he'll clean up his mess for as long as i'm here. Lets hope it lasts.

Anyways, i just spent the weekend in Cornwall with my brother and sister, took a 2 day road trip down south. It was really gorgeous. A lot of scenery that looks exactly like the Windows XP wallpaper. Sheep and cows and shit. We stayed overnight at this farm which was really cool and we spent most of our two days visiting small towns and beaches. We climbed this cliff which was just amazing. It was seriously gorgeous. The view was like fucking insane.

And we went took a 15 minute hike up this hill to Tintagle castle, which was where King Arthur was born. How fucking cool eh? It was mostly ruins but again, the view was fantastic. And then we went to this village that's supposed to be the most well-preserved village in the world. Looks like the hobit village from Lord of the Rings. Really, the doors are incredibly short and everything looks like time stopped since the 1920s. Even cars aren't allowed in, their main mode of transport is by using donkeys. THen we went to Lands End as well, which is basically the end of england, the southernmost point. Went there to watch the sunset but it was like fucking freezing. The winds were insane. I spent most of my time there hiding behind this landrover to get away from the wind.

On the way back to London we drove through a nature reserve which was awesome. Again more scenes that looked right out of lord of the rings. hehe .. And we hit a rabbit. Fuck man, it was traumatizing, like ur first roadkill. It went under both our front and back left tires and i looked out the back window and saw it like flipping on the road. Fuck. Seriously freaky. I feel so fucking bad.
Anyhoo.. there's a hellotta more pictures but i haven't got the time to post them all up so that'll have to wait till i get back. I'm rushing out soon too anyways. See u guys! I miss u all!

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