Saturday, March 17


Listening to She's My Man by Scissor Sisters

I made friends with real hippies today! haha .. steph's in uni all day and i got up late so i figured there wasn't enough time to do proper sight-seeing today so i went back to Camden Town to do some shopping. And when i was walking back i came across these guys just singing on the street about peace and love and shit and they weren't busking or anything. Not trying to collect money, just singing and getting people to dance on the street with them. It was real cool. I talked to a couple of them and they're all really nice. THey were all just high and smoking weed and singing and it was kinda crazy but it was really fun.

Anyhoo.. been sightseeing a lot. Went to the Tate modern art museum yesterday which was pretty slick. some of the art there is weird as hell but a lot of it was really cool. Like this piece of art on the floor, it's just tiles put together to look cool and the point of it is really just to make u feel uncomfortable cause ur walking on someone's art. Fucking weird eh? Then there's glass cases with urinals in them and one with a can of shit. As in literally a can of shit. It's like.. preserved shit or something. It's fucking strange. Then they had this huge installation piece which was basically metal tube slides ranging anywhere from one storey to FIVE stories high. I took the level 3 and level 5 ones. Pretty scary shit. U just sit on this like canvas cloth and u go down the slide. And the one main thing i learnt from the gallery is that art is always about sex. In some way. Everything's sexual. I can't wait to go to the Saatchi gallery, i wanna see that huge tank with a great white shark suspended in it.

Had lunch with Steph along the river which was nice but it was pretty cold. Then we went to James' (Steph's ex roomate) house party last night. Which was alright, everyone was friendly as hell and pretty drunk. We put on some Mambo music which was kick-ass. And i met one of Steph's friends who's really into goth parties and shit and she told me i should go to this party tonight. Haven't decided if i should but it sounds kinda cool as an experience. I mean these are proper clubs just packed with like real skinheads and punks and shit. It sounds wicked. And next week steph and I may be going to a Roller Disco place which I think sounds really cool.

Anyways, here are some things I learnt after a week in London:
  1. You always hover over the toilet bowl before you sit on in. Otherwise your ass might just freeze and stick to it.
  2. You can spend up to SG$60 on one cab ride.
  3. Lunch costs me anywhere from SG20-30 just for a decent meal.
  4. Fast food costs SG$15 on average for a meal.
  5. You dread leaving the house because it's so fucking cold outside.
  6. Most of the time you can get on the bus without paying.
  7. Bus drivers make the most entertaining DJs.
  8. People try to talk to you as u walk by them on the street.
  9. No one talks, everyone shouts.
  10. Weed sells in packets in shop windows.

P/S: I'm fucking pissed cause there aren't any good movies showing here. They haven't even released 300 here. Which means that by the time i get back to SG all the shows i wanna watch probably won't be showing there anymore. Which means I'm going to just kill myself right now.

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