Sunday, March 18

St. Patrick's Day

Listening to Mr. Vain by Culture Beat

It was St. Patrick's day yesterday! And for some reason I kept thinking of Ground Hog Day. Anyways, had lunch with my siblings and my dad in Chinatown which was OK, and then we went to Green Park for a walk after which was fuckin pretty (as shown in the first photo & second photos) .. lots of squirrels and fucking pigeons tt pretend to be ducks. It was cute as hell cause the sun was out and there were all these couples having picnics in the park. So cute that i wanted to stab myself in the eye.
And there really isn't any reason why the non-irish should be celebrating St. Patrick's day, but everyone was out anyway. All these girls in tiny skirts and green Guiness hats getting drunk at 2pm in the afternoon. I saw a bunch of drunk 12-year-olds which was kinda strange.
At night we went to the Mondo Fashion Show, I went with Tanya cause Steph was busy doing make-up. It was really very good, some of the outfits were outrageous but really cool in a way and the models were all so fantastic. I mean they have legs like twigs but they can actually do the whole catwalk in 5 inch heels without falling over. And aside from this one model who's boob popped out of her top, they were all really professional.

And i fell in love with someone. Hahah.. Steph and I call him 'Self' because his real name is really boring. He's actually one of the fashion designers but he modelled an outfit from his own collection which was really cool. I'm thinking of buying one of the hoodies from his collection, it was really nice. Anyways Steph knows him since she did his make-up and he said he'll actually sell me the hoody! How cool, we were talking to him at the after-party and seriously he is so much sexier close-up. haha

And the host of the fashion show was really quite hot too. U know those teen movies and they always have the typical pretty boy that is just so perfect that he could be a mannequin? Yeah he's one of those guys, blonde-haired and blue-eyed. Although he's actually a really nice guy so that's a change. Anyhoo.. it was altogether a great night. The after-party was cool cause all the models and designers were there but the music was quite shit. And after looking at all the models u just feel like ur legs are too fat or ur face is just really ugly. haha .. but i spent most of the night people-watching. Not to mention that I'm totally in love with Self and i couldn't stop staring at him all night. haha
We're going to watch Stomp today which is fucking exciting!

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