66 more pageviews till i hit 5000 on DeviantART! What a milestone.
Zouk was incredible today, i finally got to see David today. We had so much fun, i guess i only hate clubbing cause i always go with the wrong people. But today was soooooo much fun. This weird dude tried to hit on us, and we tried to hit on all these guys. mei was goin wild. HAHA .. people kept staring at us cause we kept making up weird dance moves and david got hit on atleast 5 times by GUYS. HAHA..
so yes, we decided to play this retarded game. We'd each pick a number and then we'd count the guys who were leaning againts this wall, and we had to try and pick up the guy who's our number. And i was about to go when this REALLY REALLY REALLY HOT guy came walking in my direction. And steph was like, DO IT, DO IT NOW! And i did the coolest thing. I just smiled my most retarded smile at him, like for a full 5 minutes. And he looked really confused, and then he smiled back and i just kept smiling until he walked away. And it was like my fuckin mouth was glued shut. I am so cool aren't I.